Surely as an online businessman, you have heard or even own for yourself an opt in mailing list. What is such a list anyway? For sure, it is a plus for any online business to have one as it increases the number of your clients and better promote your business. Generally it is a great business booster as it increases your sales and profits.
An opt in mailing list comes in handy especially if you are aggressively promoting your online company or business. If you have a new product to promote and giving away discounts or freebie items, the best way to disseminate information is by sending them to your opt in email marketing list via email.
Indeed, if you have an honest-to-goodness product or service to offer and sure that this will benefit your existing customers or prospective clients, definitely what you will send is most welcome to them.
One word of advice for a successful email marketing – take care of your opt in list. Offer people only what they really need. Do not send spam mails, porn materials or other unwanted or illegal materials. This way, you earn their trust and loyal patronage as customers.
Image credit: occ4m